Monday, August 25, 2008

For Margaret Harrison

It is too late for miracles
my friend.
You wear your years like silver lace
your hair white as ermine.
ninety three years
lean toward resurrection,
and I do not begrudge
you that journey.

But I, too,
move toward death.
Yes, I am young
but more than half your age.
I am growing familiar with tumors
and aching flesh.
My soul years are tidied up
and finished like drying hay.
I am also ready
for resurrection.

So, let us leave God in peace.
I promise I will not beg for your longevity
if you will stop hounding heaven for mine.
We have no need for miracles.

From A Hermit Holds My Heart
Ellen Porter

Note: Sr. Margaret died June 16, 2008 at age 96.
Ellen died, two months later, August 21st, at age 60